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[nectar_animated_title heading_tag=”h2″ style=”color-strip-reveal” color=”Extra-Color-1″ text=”Imprint”]
Company name Nio Mechatronik GmbH
Products and services Automation technology, silo systems, medium and micro component processors, liquid handling equipment
Address Salzburger Straße 44
4690 Schwanenstadt – Austria
Authority according to ECG Bezirkshauptmannschaft Vöcklabruck
Tax number ATU80202727
Company number FN 618270x
Phone +43 676 / 9396003
Mail office@k-group.at
website https://www.nio.at
Company headquarters Salzburger Straße 44, 4690 Schwanenstadt

Basic direction:

This website is an online offer of Nio Mechatronics on the Internet. Under this web address and possible subdomains, extensive information and online services concerning products and services of our company are provided.

Responsible for the content: Nio Mechatronik GmbH, Andreas Kisch

Privacy Policy
It goes without saying that we comply with the applicable legal provisions on data protection of personal data. To this end, this privacy policy explains how your data is collected and protected and what options you have to obtain information about the personal data stored by us.
Personal data is information that can be used to determine your identity. This includes information such as name, address, postal address, telephone number etc. All information that cannot be directly linked to the actual identity of web users is not included.
We may ask the user to provide his company name, surname, first name and other various personal information when the user uses a personalised or interactive service. We use this personal information in case of requests only within the company itself. The data will not be passed on to third parties, unless this is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract. In any case, no data will be passed on until we have obtained your express consent.
We appreciate the trust you place in us and take the utmost care to protect your personal information. In any case, you have the right to know what data has been collected and also have the option of requesting the deletion of the data.

Copyright, trademark and industrial property rights
All content on this website is protected by copyright. texts, pictures, graphics,
Sound, animations and videos are protected by copyright and other protective laws.
The content may not be copied, distributed, changed or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Any use, in particular storage in databases, duplication, distribution, processing and any form of commercial use as well as the transfer to third parties – also in parts or in revised form – without the consent of
operator or the author is prohibited.

Terms of use, warranty, liability for content and links
The use of this website is at your own risk and peril. We do not assume any guarantee for constant availability, nor for the published articles, offers, services and performances with regard to correctness, completeness and functionality. The guarantee is based on the legal regulations. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded.
This website and the associated services are operated with the greatest care, reliability and availability. For technical reasons, however, it is not possible that these services can be accessed without interruption, that the desired connections can always be established or that stored data is preserved under all circumstances. Constant availability can therefore not be guaranteed.
IP connectivity to other network operators is provided according to the possibilities.
Any liability for problems caused by the networks of third parties is excluded. The use of other networks is subject to the terms of use of the respective operators. In the event of force majeure, strikes, restrictions on the services of other network operators or during repair and maintenance work, restrictions or interruptions may occur, but no liability is accepted for such failures.

In the case of links to other online offers, we assume no liability for the content, functionality and availability of the linked website(s). This also applies to all other direct or indirect references or links to external internet offers.
Links to this website are welcome if they are designed as external links in a separate browser window. A takeover of the main window into a frame of the link setter is not permitted.
Should a website to which we have linked contain illegal content, please inform us and the link will be removed immediately.