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Sourdough - small quantity
[image_with_animation image_url=”29833″ animation=”None” hover_animation=”none” alignment=”center” border_radius=”none” box_shadow=”none” image_loading=”default” max_width=”100%” max_width_mobile=”default” margin_top=”0%”]

The PTM system enables you to produce single and multi-stage rye and sourdough fully automatically – without complicated installation and connection to a flour silo system.

To prepare it, put your starter directly into the container, fill the mobile flour depot with flour or grist and connect the water hose. The integrated controller takes care of the rest.

The addition of bulk water is just as fully automatic as the flour dosing and stirring. Time-controlled and perfectly weighed, the device prepares your sourdough, even when you are not in operation.

Technical specifications

treatment amount: 110 kg
tank capacity: 225 l
dimension: 850 x 1270 x 1165 mm
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